Hmmmmm, I have managed to muddle my way through getting one whole pattern complete with photo and lots of charts into a PDF file! Wow! Not quite sure what I am doing yet with the new software, but I must be doing something right. LOL So, YES, there will soon be some patterns on this blog for sale! WOO HOO!!
Now I am working on getting all the different charts and photos ready, that will take some time too, especially when I seem to be able to make mistakes in them without even trying. So glad that I can easily erase the boo~boos, or just go over them with the right stuff. Need to take some more photos too, realized that I don't have all the socks photographed. So far as patterns go, I have Thunderbird, 'Yote, Elegance, Herd of Turtles, Flower Power, LLamma MMama, There's a Bear, Beady Berries, and one which is still nameless. Just can't come up with a name I like for it, but one will show up sooner or later.
Don't think people realize all the work that does go into patterns, it's not just the designing, its the knitting, the frogging and fixing the patterns, the drafting of the text, fixing errors, getting the charts done right, photos, etc, etc.....have spent more time doing all the other stuff than I have spent actually knitting the socks!
I have always done my own patterns, but this is the first time I have ever done them for sale, and there's a big difference in the shorthand and symbols I use to do a pattern and what I need to have in them for others to understand easily. Believe me, no one else could translate my own knitting shorthand, so I have to make sure that all the instructions, etc, are A-OK for everyone to understand. And since I tend to design AS I knit, that means I have to stop and write out what I am doing, takes time to do that as I am finding out. :-)
Enough of the above, sounds like I am griping, but I'm not really, just amazes me as to all that goes into a "commercial" pattern.
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