Weather is a bit nicer today, didn't get back to finish what I started on the 31st, too busy finishing up a sock pattern.
Was starting to write about knitting socks, and my favorite types of knitting, so guess I will just do that here.
I really, really love to knit lace, but my lace knitting came to an abrubt halt a few months ago when I was dealing with a lot of severe sinus/allergy problems and a darn back that kept going out on me. {Wonder where those backs go when they do go out on us? :-)
Made it just plain impossible to concentrate on the intricate patterns, and I kept messing up big time, was spending way too much time wading in the swamp with all the froggies. So just put all the lace aside.
Then I just sat there with nothing to do!! No needles/yarn in my hands, aaarrgggh! Quickest way I can think of to make me crazy. What to do, what to do?
HAD to find something to knit that wouldn't take any concentration, the more brain dead the better. Didn't want to knit hats, didn't want to tackle any large project like a sweater or afghan. Sigh.
Now it had been YEARS since I had knit any socks, and I have to admit that they were my least favorite thing to do. In fact I was sorta adamant about it. BUT, I had been going through my stash, and found this really neat sock yarn I had gotten with something else in mind besides socks.
Hmmmmmmmm, well maybe, just maybe, I would go ahead and do a pair of socks, easy peasy knitting.
Had always used DPNs for socks, but since I had the KnitPicks Options needles with those lovely pliable cables, decided I would try out the 2 circ method. So I did. The result is the photo above.
WOO HOO!!! So, now I am a sock~knitting convert. And am quite busy working out my own patterns, which I am going to publish for sale! How's that for a 180 turnaround? I do love to do colorwork, mosaic and stranded knitting are lots of fun, and so is doing beaded knitting. Already have 3 patterns ready to go, that is ready after I get them all into PDF files, which is a new thing to me too, so that may just take me a while, and am gonna need some help doing it I think. Old dog needs to learn some new tricks here!
Was starting to write about knitting socks, and my favorite types of knitting, so guess I will just do that here.
I really, really love to knit lace, but my lace knitting came to an abrubt halt a few months ago when I was dealing with a lot of severe sinus/allergy problems and a darn back that kept going out on me. {Wonder where those backs go when they do go out on us? :-)
Made it just plain impossible to concentrate on the intricate patterns, and I kept messing up big time, was spending way too much time wading in the swamp with all the froggies. So just put all the lace aside.
Then I just sat there with nothing to do!! No needles/yarn in my hands, aaarrgggh! Quickest way I can think of to make me crazy. What to do, what to do?
HAD to find something to knit that wouldn't take any concentration, the more brain dead the better. Didn't want to knit hats, didn't want to tackle any large project like a sweater or afghan. Sigh.
Now it had been YEARS since I had knit any socks, and I have to admit that they were my least favorite thing to do. In fact I was sorta adamant about it. BUT, I had been going through my stash, and found this really neat sock yarn I had gotten with something else in mind besides socks.
Hmmmmmmmm, well maybe, just maybe, I would go ahead and do a pair of socks, easy peasy knitting.
Had always used DPNs for socks, but since I had the KnitPicks Options needles with those lovely pliable cables, decided I would try out the 2 circ method. So I did. The result is the photo above.
WOO HOO!!! So, now I am a sock~knitting convert. And am quite busy working out my own patterns, which I am going to publish for sale! How's that for a 180 turnaround? I do love to do colorwork, mosaic and stranded knitting are lots of fun, and so is doing beaded knitting. Already have 3 patterns ready to go, that is ready after I get them all into PDF files, which is a new thing to me too, so that may just take me a while, and am gonna need some help doing it I think. Old dog needs to learn some new tricks here!
1 comment:
Beautiful socks Val! Glad to see you online again. Huggs Marion
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